8 Seattle Companies on the Cutting Edge of the Cloud

As cloud technology becomes more and more mainstream, opportunities have emerged for savvy Seattle entrepreneurs.

Written by Quinten Dol
Published on Jun. 18, 2024
8 Seattle Companies on the Cutting Edge of the Cloud

The history of cloud computing is longer than you think, with initial concepts stretching back to a time when Gates wasn’t much bigger than a rugrat and Bezos, Brin and Page weren’t even born. However, the technology has exploded in recent years, and now forms a critical piece of infrastructure for entire industries.

As cloud technology becomes more and more mainstream, opportunities have emerged for savvy Seattle entrepreneurs. Some of these companies help data and software evaporate from the oceans of on-premise servers and condense into the cloud. Others focus on helping businesses leverage cloud computing and thereby — ahem — make it rain.

Top Seattle Cloud Companies to Know

  • Upbound
  • Matillion
  • Qumulo
  • Skytap
  • Axon
matillion cloud company seattle

Founded: 2011

Funding: $25M

Making it rain by: Creating cloud-native tools that help businesses meet their most pressing challenges.

Tell us more: Matillion’s cloud-native software solutions help to give businesses real-time insights into their data. The company’s ELT products are purposefully built for platforms like Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery and Snowflake. Accenture, GE, Bose and Siemens are just a handful of the international brands using Matillion’s cloud-based products to harness their data.


qumulo seattle cloud storage company office
photo via qumulo

Founded: 2012

Funding: $222.3M

Making it rain by: Being the “only file storage system designed for trillion file scale.”

Tell us more: The Qumulo File Fabric (QF2) storage system uses a combination of on-premise and cloud-based facilities, and can scale to hold billions of files. The system groups cloud instances or computing nodes into clusters on a single, unified file systems. These clusters connect across globally-distributed (yet intricately connected) systems, where updates by any user on any file are replicated across the system. The company netted $93 million in its Series D funding round in June.


Axon Cloud Companies Seattle

Founded: 2013

Funding: $246M 

Making it rain by: Streamlining repetitive and data storage tasks, so government entities can focus more on performing tasks within communities.

Tell us more: To make life easier for law enforcement officials and other groups, Axon has developed cloud-based technology for storing information. Axon Evidence collects and organizes data, providing additional support to agencies in areas without access to high-speed internet. While this platform handles administrative duties, officers can harness the power of other Axon tools to manage risk and address conflicts.


upbound cloud company seattle

Founded: 2018

Funding: $9M

Making it rain by: Scaling and optimizing public and private cloud environments.

Tell us more: Upbound manages Kubernetes open source container clusters across multi-cloud environments. The cloud solution allows for users to run, scale and optimize their workloads across clusters, but as a single entity. Upbound is also a member of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation; an open source organization dedicated to making cloud computing universal and sustainable.


skykick seattle cloud tech company
photo via skykick

Founded: 2011

Funding: $67.5M

Making it rain by: Creating cloud automation and management software.

Tell us more: SkyKick builds software tools for consultants and IT providers which help businesses migrate, backup and manage their customers in the cloud. The company’s flagship product is called Migration Suites for Office 365, which streamlines and automates the process of adopting Microsoft’s cloud-based work productivity applications. SkyKick claims that its tools automate around 90 percent of the labor involved in a cloud migration, and focuses on creating a user-friendly end product while preserving the data they’re moving.


heptio cloud company seattle

Founded: 2016

Funding: $33.5M

Making it rain by: Bridging the gap between enterprise IT and cloud-native computing.

Tell us more: Heptio gives internet leaders access to distributed systems and open source tools. Founded by the creators of the Kubernetes project, the company uses cloud-based solutions to advance the Kubernetes ecosystem. Earlier this year Heptio teamed up with Actapio to create Gimbal- an open source project to help enterprises load balance network traffic in hybrid environments.


skytap team eclipse viewing party seattle
photo via facebook

Founded: 2006

Funding: $109.5M

Making it rain by: Helping large legacy companies move their data centers onto the cloud without (too much) pain.

Tell us more: For older, larger companies that matured before the arrival of cloud technology, the prospect of taking data — often written to work with a specific type of hardware — and reconfiguring it to sit on the cloud sounds like far more pain than it’s worth. Inertia sets in, and the business in question stays with its increasingly outdated hardware while younger, more nimble companies take off on the cloud. Skytap helps those legacy businesses catch up by building customized cloud systems which mimic their existing storage structures, enabling a relatively easy transition. It’s a slow-moving field — the International Data Corporation predicts that only half of enterprises will have modernized their data centers by 2020, leaving plenty of opportunity for outfits like Skytap to facilitate those upgrades.


acumatica bellevue cloud tech company
photo via acumatica

Founded: 2006

Funding: $48.3M

Making it rain by: Helping businesses accelerate growth with cloud-based applications

Tell us more: Bellevue-based Acumatica is an enterprise resource management company focused on helping accelerate mid-sized businesses. Acumatica’s cloud-based applications help businesses track and manage project accounting, commerce, distribution, finances, CRMs and field service. The company recently unveiled construction accounting software designed to improve margins and project control on building projects, and raised $25 million from Silicon Valley firm Accel-KKR in June.


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